“I have seen salves on horseback, where princes go on foot like slaves” Eccl 10:7 

It’s a wonderful season in the presence of God to see the 10th Month in this great year of Higher Ground where he has destine all member of this great Church.

I decree for every member of this great Church that in this new month every one of you will experience a great turnaround.

Once again, I welcome you into the month of OUR MONTH OF GETTING BACK ON OUR HORSE- ECCLEAITES 10: 7

From the scripture above you will see Gods speaking to us as a Church and Family that we shall ride on horses as part of His promises of moving and operating on Higher Ground for exploit as a believer. with this 

I declare and pray for everyone that you shall ride on horses as prince and princesses and no power of dominion shall come near your dwelling.
Every of your heart desire I decree by the one who has called me to be the leader of this great Church that you shall end this month with greater testimonies in Jesus name. Amen

This month shall be to you and the household of faith; 

O- Open Doors on every side
C- Confirmed miracles you never expected
T- Total turnaround in all you lay your hands on will prosper 
O- Operating new levels of anointing divine revelations
B- Breaking new grounds 
E- Experience newness of daily anointing for 
B- Breakthrough and unspeakable testimonies 
R- Renewal in strength daily as you go in your daily activities in Jesus name

My wonderful families, 

remember that for Gods promises to manifest in your lives you must give from what God has given to you to support His work on earth, so I encourage you in this new month to see that you Honour God with your tithing and support for Kingdom development, because it is only a faithful and correct tither and Kingdom supporter that can enjoy. God better in blessings and open doors on every side.

Faithful and correct payment of your tithe qualifies you as a full-fledged member of this great Church and I pray as you faithfully do that you will experience supernatural turnaround and all round blessings

I know that in this new month you shall experience all round blessing and favour in Jesus name. 

Always remember to pray for the Church and Country at large for Gods intervention.

God Bless you all.